Art Journaling Day

January 2014

Started my new art journal yesterday.  Had fun doing this.  My intentions are to add to it each day.  Manifesting my 2014.  Looking forward to more unpacking in my studio, so I can create in it.  Small steps....


My New Studio 

2014 - 
New home, new studio, new beginnings

This is the year!

As I move into my new home and studio space I grow more excited about the possibilites.  This is the year where I allow myself to create.  Create a new business, create art, create new friends, create new community, create a new me!  Create, Create, Create!

I have begun the SMALL STEP PROCESS.  I intend to Coach myself with the wonderful tools used in my new business Kaizen Muse Creativity Coaching.  I have redesigned my website, taken all my online CEU's for my massage licensure.  And now I found my blog I started so long ago.  I will continue to add as I small step along.  Happy New YEAR...




Moving into our new home as been an adventure.  We continue to create it our home everyday. We have done much remodeling.  Living here is HOME.  Never felt more at home than I do here at the Cabin in the Woods. Surrounded by an abundance of trees and nature.  Only 1/2 mile from a State Park and Lake.  We have found many hiking trails and places to explore.  

Winter has set in, so we are spending more time indoors unpacking and such.  The downstairs is near completion.  Next step - upstairs, then come spring the addition.  Perhaps some fairy gardens as well!



It has been awhile since I last posted. Been busy with the house being on the market and looking for a new home.  Working on my new coaching business as well.  July 25th is the Peddler's Village 5k race/walk and I have been hired as race director, so much of my time has been devoted to this event. 



Fifty is the new forty!

 “Fifty is the new forty”

Today officially is 50 days til' I am 50.  So begins the celebration in whatever way I desire.  Words, poems, quotes are things I ask folks to send me.  Perhaps over the next 50 days or today.  I intend to celebrate each day as if it was my birthday.  WHY NOT?  I will be 50 and I can do what I want!

Currently our house is for sale - maybe we will be in our new home by my birthday.   This year is a big one.  Joe retired, we sell and buy a house, and I turn 50.  I am open to ideas that folks may have.   If you are reading this, then leave a post.

Ideas to celebrate my 50th!   Enjoy your day.  1962-2012

God gift you all the colors of life, colors of joy, colors of happiness, colors of friendship, colors of love and all other colors you want to paint in your life." Live,Love,Laugh.....Dream
God gift you all the colors of life, colors of joy, colors of happiness, colors of friendship,


I feel so fortunate... having a  Kaizen Muse Creativity Coach ( Kate Robertson of Safe Harbor Creativity Coaching ).  She is a great coach.  Working with her today brought some keen insights.  With Kaizen - questions are asked.  Today Kate asked me to list HOW CAN I BETTER CARE FOR MYSELF.  I came up with several ideas.  The one the really spoke to me and I have already done... make an appointment with myself.  So, I now have 3 "dates" with myself.  During this time I will be able to focus on me and how I can take better care of ME.  WOW.. this was a great session Kate.  Thank you!  

There is an Indian proverb or axiom that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. 
Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but, 
unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, 
we are not a complete person.
— Rumer Godden in A House with Four Rooms

Ten ways to love your creativity!

1. Get out and do something wildly fun, inspirational, and "just because" your muse is wanting it. Think museums, art stores, theatre, a dance
club, a garden store, or jazz club.

2. Show gratitude. Say thank you to your creativity for all the ideas, new energy, brilliant inspirations, and insights you get each and every day. Acknowledge you ARE creative daily.

3. Tempt it with something new that intrigues you. What is that *something* you have been thinking about creating but not giving into? Give in. Take a baby step toward it.

4. Use your creativity for someone else you love. Sharing the gift of your creativity with others is a gift you give yourself. Write a poem. Make a handmade valentine. Sing a love song.

5. Commit to your creative practice daily. Get back to the daily work and remember to love how it makes you feel.

6. Love your inner gremlin and don't listen to it!

7. Aim to create something meaningful for yourself to put in your studio, home, or office. Surround yourself with your creative work.

8. Channel more creative inspiration in bed (ummm...via your dreams!). Ask your creative spirit to send you a dream to help you find solutions to challenges. Then get ready...

9. Find kindred spirits who will support, inspire, motivate, and kick you in the butt a bit if that is what you need. Spend time with them.

10. Say I LOVE BEING CREATIVE to yourself daily. And mean it.


What can we learn from our kids...

- It's more fun to colour outside the lines.
- If you're going to draw on the wall, do it behind the couch.
- Even Popeye didn't eat his spinach until he absolutely had to.
- If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either.
- Sometimes you have to take the test before you've finished studying.
- If you want a kitten, start out asking for a horse.
- There is no good reason why clothes have to match.
- If the horse you're drawing looks more like a dog, make it a dog.
- Save a place in lines for your friends.
- Just keep banging until someone opens the door.
- Making your bed is a waste of time.
- Make up the rules as you go along.
- It doesn't matter who started it.
- Ask for sprinkles.
- Hang on tight.
- Ask "why" until you understand.
Author unknown


Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
--Rachel Carson

This is a picture of our backyard- taken this morning.  Our yard was gifted with a beautiful blanket of white snow.  It was incredible to wake up and see such beauty.  The world was covered (at least my world)  with such wonderful white.  I took several pictures this morning.  I waited each moment for the sun to shine and cast such brilliance on my subject.  The chairs.... there is nothing better than to sit by the creek at night (with a campfire) or by day with the light shimmering on the water.  I am grateful for this gift.  Today... the world is WHITE!  My yard is a gift....  THE BEAUTY OF THE EARTH!
